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Three Things That Were Awesome At The Sparkles Breakfast

Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Guests

The 1st Awesome Thing At The Sparkles Breakfast Was The Food!

Ruth and her Emerald State High School Bites Catering Team cooked a delicious Breakfast. 

Sparkle Breakfast image
Emerald State High School logo

Thank You!!

The 2nd Awesome Thing At The Sparkles Breakfast Was Our Special Guest Speaker, Julie Cross!

Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Special Guest, Julie Cross
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Special Guest, Julie Cross

Julie shared her inspirational story to help us discover our inner sparkle.

The 3rd Awesome Thing At The Sparkles Breakfast Was The Exciting Raffle Draw!

Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Raffle Prizes 1
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Raffle Prizes 2
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Raffle Prizes 3
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Raffle Prizes 1

The Race For The Amazing Prizes Was On!

Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Winners with Prizes
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Winners with Prizes
Emerald Neighbourhood Centre Sparkle Breakfast Winners with Prizes

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